Novacademy - High Professional training for logistics operators and freight forwarders

Constant Training with Be One

Training continues with BeOne

Novacademy's training courses

Nova Systems has made available the Novacademy service, a structure for IT training, so that you can improve your knowledge of aspects of BeOne Cloud Forwarding Suite solutions.

As a result of the continuous updating by our collaborators, our clients can count on the full support of Novacademy, a part of Nova Systems which is devoted to training and which also holds courses on various dates throughout the year. These are courses for which individual businesses can enroll those employees who want to improve their knowledge of the operative aspects of individual modules and of all the BeOne Cloud Forwarding Suite IT solutions.

In this way businesses can increase their collaborators' knowledge with a minimum investment. Nova Systems makes available its own staff in order to increase the competence of the staff of those businesses that already use BeOne Cloud Forwarding Suite solutions, with the aim of making the most of their possibilities.

The courses will be subdivided for air, maritime, and land transport firms, for customs and logistical operators, administrators, controllers, and marketers. They will take place in the offices of Nova Systems or, according to needs, in the businesses themselves, and will be held by instructors specialized in the individual components of the BeOne Cloud Forwarding Suite. The schedule of the courses will soon be available on our site and it will be possible to enroll directly from the Novacademy page. Each participant will be given an ID and password so that his or her own results can be monitored: in fact, at the end of each course Nova Systems will issue a participation certificate with the final grades.

For further information, businesses can contact Nova Systems in order to discover how to activate the Novacademy courses.

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Nova Systems S.r.l.  |  |   T +39 045 878 8211  |   Cap. Soc. € 83.301,40 i.v.  |   C.C.I.A.A. VR N. 251355  |   Trib. Reg. Soc. N. 40176  |   Codice SDI: 1YY4LRX  |   P.IVA 02639010236 37036 Viale del lavoro 39/a San Martino B.A. (VR)