Shipping Agency | BeOne Software for shipping agents and port agents Be One

BeOne - Shipping Agency
the new module dedicated to shipping and port agents who operate in the container ship sector

Thanks to Nova Systems’ latest innovation, ship loading and unloading and transhipment operations become simpler and more immediate.

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“With the ‘Shipping agency’ module, the issuing of policies, taxes, freight accounts and all the manifests laid down depending on the agency’s operations can be obtained. BeOne also allows costs and revenues to be analysed by individual journey-ship and company, dossier, policy and management of the costs and takings with regard to the management of the disbursement account”.

All this is integrated with the accounting module, BeOne e-invoice, management control and the customs operations.


Thanks to the Shipping Agency module, the agent is viewed as an economic subject able to interface with various companies. These are the benefits:

It allows you to manage all the Port Formalities, optimising costs and revenues with regard to the management of the disbursement account.

It allows the total control of the transport flow of containers being loaded, unloaded and transhipped.

strategia customizzata

Integration with the Customs module enables the direct creation of Import/Export customs bills, recovering the data from the dossier and returning the customs documents.

For the same ship, it enables goods and containers to be managed for different companies and different destinations, with total visibility of what is loaded on the ship.

It is possible to create lists of ships with drag- and-drop technology for the assignment of the dossiers and the containers.

It enables the creation and management of specific documents, such as Maritime Policies. Freight Account, Freight Statement, Freight Manifest, Cargo Manifest, Manifest for the Terminal.


BeOne was also designed to assist the operational activities of shipping agents, who act in the name and on behalf of shipping companies. “As regards this part of the module, the software allows the ship to be managed as a craft that arrives and departs from the port. BeOne is multi-branch, so each branch is linked to its port of reference. In the case of a single ship, the ERP can manage several shipping companies with loads on the same journey-ship, both on embarkation and disembarkation, and goods coming from or to be sent to different destinations,” noted Menditto.

BeOne enables the management of containers on embarkation and disembarkation and containers in transhipment, that are to be loaded for a different final destination. The possibility therefore arises of tracking a container transiting through the port: the container arrives on one ship and can then continue its journey on a different ship.

“Through BeOne, this operation is managed with a single dossier. The software has some specific functions that enable the rapid entry of the agency file and the simultaneous creation of the positioning order. The administrative database also allows, both on embarkation and disembarkation, the arrangement of containers on the ships and in the companies depending on the load limits or the possible cost/benefit for the shipping agent.”


Part of the module was devised based on the needs of port agents> who are concerned in the management of the docking of the ship in port and disembarkation. BeOne enables the management of the ship and disbursement accounts, that is, the calculation of what is paid in advance by the port agent on behalf of the shipowner. “These costs can be calculated both beforehand, as forecast cost amounts, through the appropriate tariffs, and subsequently entered on the arrival of the supplier’s invoice. On the closure of the disbursement account, an invoice is generated by the port agent to the shipowner for the balance of the activity carried out.


With regard to the same ship, it is possible to operate with companies with which there is no agency-type contract (shipping agency). Finally, the software makes it possible to act as agents of several companies for the same port.

“With BeOne, it is possible to issue shipping policies, or for multi-container services,
even with different dossiers, regarding the same ship journey and client”.

Another function available in BeOne regards the issuing of the freight account, through which it is possible to automatically calculate the freight accounts based on the specific tariffs entered for each individual client. Still through the Shipping Agency module, freight statements, freight manifests, unfreight manifests and cargo manifests can be issued.

BeOne Shipping Agency module:
Technical specifications

Read the technical specifications about the module dedicated to marine and port agents operating in the industry of cargo shipment

Management of the Ship Voyage


Voy management

Management of the Embarkation and Disembarkation part of the Voys, divided by departure, destination or transhipment port and maritime company (Voyages in Join)

Unified management of the dossier in Transhipment, both for the disembarkation and embarkation movement in the port under the Branch’s responsibility.

Management of the Disbursement Account

Management of the Disbursement Account by Ship, with calculation of the forecast costs from specific rates and the option of verifying the costs received from the supplier by comparing them to the previously calculated forecasts.

Data Transmission – EDI

Transmission of the Discharge or Loading list to the Terminal Container and the Manifests to the companies or other subjects that interact with the same Ship voyage

Data Reception - EDI

Reception of Bills of Lading or Dossiers from Maritime Companies, Ports or other subjects that interact with the same Ship voyage

Electronic Document Storage Integration

Native integration in the product with electronic document storage and the option of using the services for sending electronic pouches

Integration with BI Analytics

Native integration with already usable dashboards or with tools for the creation of any Business Intelligence report

Shipments in Embarkation


Shipments Management

Management of the Embarkation and Disembarkation part of the Voys, divided by departure, destination or transhipment port and maritime company (Voyages in Join)

Unified management of the dossier in Transhipment, both for the disembarkation and embarkation movement in the port under the Branch’s responsibility.

Revenue / Standard Rates Management

Integration with the CRM module for settling cases with special cost rates by supplier.

Freight Account Rates Management

Integration with the CRM module for settling bills of lading with special Freight Account rates by Client

Cost / Standard Rates Management

Integration with the CRM module for settling cases with special cost rates by supplier.

Spot Offers Management

Integration with the CRM module for use in settling spot offer shipments both for the revenue and the cost parts

Positioning Management

Container positioning management with the option of transmitting the positioning via EDI to the Carrier and to the Container Terminal and of receiving exit and re-entry date and time of the empty and full container.

Manifest Management

Management of the Manifests with printouts in any format, enhanced and otherwise.

Bills of Loading Management

Management of B/L, HBL, FBL bills of loading according to the company’s specifications, with the option of issuing different Dossiers by individual container or groups of containers

Data Transmission – EDI

Transmission of the Manifests to the Terminal Container or to the companies or other subjects that interact with the same Ship voyage

Transmission to the Terminal of the Individual Dossier, Positioning Order.

Data Reception - EDI

Reception of Bills of Loading or Dossiers from Maritime Companies, Ports or other subjects that interact with the same Ship voyage

Management and Automatic Calculation of Freight Accounts

Management of Freight Accounts with automatic calculation from Freight Account rates and issuing of the Freight Account documents to the Client and the Freight Manifest for the Company

Electronic Document Storage Integration

Native integration in the product with electronic document storage and the option of using the services for sending electronic pouches

Integration with BI Analytics

Native integration with already usable dashboards or with tools for the creation of any Business Intelligence report

Integration with IM Activity Agenda and Chat

Option of generating own activities or delegating activities to a person or a Work Group, connected to any application object

Shipments in Disembarkation


Shipments Management

Management of FCL/FCL, FCL/LCL or Empty Containers shipments.

Revenue / Standard Rates Management

Integration with the CRM module for settling cases with special revenue rates by Client, with the option of using segmented standard rates

Freight Account Rates Management

Integration with the CRM module for settling bills of lading with special Freight Account rates by Client

Cost / Standard Rates Management

Integration with the CRM module for settling cases with special cost rates by supplier.

Spot Offers Management

Integration with the CRM module for use in settling spot offer shipments both for the revenue and the cost parts

Positioning Management

Container positioning management with the option of transmitting the positioning via EDI to the Carrier and to the Container Terminal and of receiving exit and re-entry date and time of the empty and full container.

Manifest Management

Management of the Manifests with printouts in any format, enhanced and otherwise.

Data Transmission – EDI

Transmission of the Manifests to the Terminal Container or to the companies or other subjects that interact with the same Ship voyage

Transmission to the Terminal of the Individual Dossier, Positioning Order and Delivery Order.

Data Reception - EDI

Reception of Bills of Lading or Dossiers from Maritime Companies, Ports or other subjects that interact with the same Ship voyage

Management and Automatic Calculation of Freight Accounts

Management of Freight Accounts with automatic calculation from Freight Account rates and issuing of the Freight Account documents to the Client and the Freight Manifest for the Company

Electronic Document Storage Integration

Native integration in the product with electronic document storage and the option of using the services for sending electronic pouches

Integration with BI Analytics

Native integration with already usable dashboards or with tools for the creation of any Business Intelligence report

Integration with IM Activity Agenda and Chat

Option of generating own activities or delegating activities to a person or a Work Group, connected to any application object

The Steps to Arrive at Go Live

When you step out of your office, there's a world going on that accomplishes everything you have planned. A sense of protection and security: Since 1981, the sense of serenity transmitted by Nova Systems' solutions is the premise with which allows you to feel satisfied at any time of the day. Looking to the future with confidence and without worries. Choose BeOne.



• Project profiling

• Demo & Analysis Specificities

• Individual meetings

• Project presentation

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• BeOne contract

• Start up activity confirmation

• Contract signature

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• KickOff with Key Users

• Cloud Environment creation and software parameterisation

• Data Migration

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• Individual or group training

• Training through the NovAcademy Business Unit 

• Support in the use of company funds

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• Physical presence of Product Account Managers at customer locations/branches

• A Team is in the Nova Systems office to support the company 

• The customer uses BeOne to manage the entire operational flow 

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• Application and Cloud Help Desk Support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

• Individual technical consulting and project analysis

• Release with new features and new products 

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• After the Go-Live, between Nova Systems and the client, a relationship focused on the company’s growth begins

• The Customer Success Manager becomes a trusted partner, with a proactive approach towards the company

• The CSM guides the company’s collaborators in discovering the BeOne solution full potential, to make the most out of every functionality

Read more about Customer Success

Discover the total integration of BeOne

Click on the images to know into detail the specifications of each BeOne’s Suite module. The different applications refer to only one database, where they work in synchronization to recall data, their elaboration and archiving, avoiding duplication of information and misalignments. The BeOne solution is completely integrated with the activities demanded of shipping agents and logistics operators, ensuring the flexibility that sector operators require.

Click on the list below and discover the integration among the modules

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