Better organize your workflow
Nova Systems has developed a new organizational model, designed to make the best use of internal energies and resources within Customs. Thanks to the use of a unique database, in a few clicks you can manage all customs operations, from the telematic interchange with the Customs agency, up to invoicing and management control.
What is the result?
A new working approach provided by Nova Systems to promote business growth.
Here is the workflow that every customs officer can set up in the customs environment.

The customs operation in BeOne can be created with the insertion of an ex-novo customs bills, with the duplication of a previous declared note or using a sample form that acts as a pre-compiled template for the declaration. It is also possible to receive the customs bill in telematic form, through EDI - Electronic Data Interchange, to minimize the intervention of the operator in data entry.
In addition, the system allows the connection and retrieval of data from shipments, third party warehouse movement (WMS 3PL) and groupage. The software performs formal checks on the validity of the data entered before sending them to customs. After the shipment, the user receives a notification with a positive answer or possible error messages.

The Customs module of BeOne integrates and publishes for the users all the related ministerial tables to the customs declaration, which are referred to by the current regulations. For example, it is possible to obtain online the updated list of customs entries according to the releases published by the European Union.
Nova Systems also takes care of keeping the tables up-to-date and verifying their correctness on a periodic basis.

The software allows customs agents to automatically recover duties during the billing phase, whether it is billed as a stand-alone transaction or connected to a shipment. By means of parameters that can be managed for each customer, it is possible to automate the issuing of an invoice, a debit note, an advance request, or even to assign to each customer a maximum amount of overdraft on customs duties, allowing him to verify his financial exposure with regard to customs duties.
In addition, during the management of the customs bill and before sending it to customs, the software checks whether for that specific customer the duties are to be collected in advance or if there is overdraft capacity on the debit account assigned to the client.

During the phase of telematic sending of the customs bill, BeOne takes care of the automatic signature of the declaration and of the communication with the web services of the Customs Agency. During the sending procedure, the customs declaration assumes some statuses that can be monitored by the user to verify the possible presence of answers by the Agency and if the sending has been successful.
The BeOne Customs module for the management of customs procedures is able to send electronically the Import customs declaration either in full or through several partial submissions. It also allows to send telematic rectification requests and telematic cancellation of the declaration.
Would you like to learn more about the customs software module for managing customs declarations?

Due to the services provided by the Customs Agency, BeOne interfaces with the electronic file of the customs declaration and with the new customs drawer. Specifically, it is possible to store pdf documents directly on the import customs bill and then decide whether to send them through BeOne to customs in the electronic file or in the customs drawer.
The software monitors the control status of the customs declaration, showing the automated control or the need for documentary control, or goods inspection or scanner control, until the release is received.

The complete integration between the TMS and Customs modules of BeOne allows you to monitor in real time, directly in the software, the customs status of the loads of goods you are shipping. It is possible to have the detail of the goods per shipment or per single container, in case of FCL shipments, connected to the maritime import and export or Shipping Agency. The user in the office or the warehouseman equipped with a palmtop can monitor the evolution of the customs operation on the goods and receive alerts in case of movement of goods not yet cleared. In the same way, the WMS software (warehouse management software) integrates with the BeOne customs module, interacting with customs both during the phase of introduction into the warehouse and at the moment of extraction.

The tariffs that can be managed in the CRM module of BeOne allow the automatic tariff development of the competences related to the customs declaration. The software provides several different calculation methods, which can cover the needs of the customs operator. BeOne also allows to invoice the customs operation, whether it is free or linked to a shipping file. It is also possible to issue individual or periodic invoices.

Companies working with customers using the BeOne Customs module can monitor the progress of customs declarations in real time, directly in the Tracking portal. For example, it is possible to visualize when the declaration has been entered in the system and sent without errors to the customs, or when the customs assigns the release to the declaration or, for export and transit declarations, when the Ivisto or the Irildes is received. At the same time as the publication of the statuses on the portal, the SAD and AED printouts can be issued automatically, with the possibility of sending them to the end customer to make them available in its information systems.