Better organize your workflow
Manage shipments by air and sea with BeOne, the software dedicated to international freight forwarders. Thanks to Nova Systems' solution you are able to optimize your work. From procurement to policy issuance, up to invoicing and accounting, with BeOne you can manage all this and much more. The total integration between modules eliminates the possibility of errors and reduces the time of intervention and response to the needs of its customers. An optimized workflow also with specific providers such as INTTRA, in the case of sea shipments, and Cargo Start, in the case of air shipments.
Here is the workflow designed for you and your international freight forwarder needs.

Through BeOne Procurement it is possible to process the quotation requests received from the customers through the search for cost rates by entering the minimum information; for example: type of transport (air, sea), traffic sector (import/export/triangulations). The search can start simply by placing one or more of these information and be filtered in depth by implementing the information: departure/destination, container type, etc. to get precise cost rates of individual suppliers: from freight, additional up to the skills, thus choosing the supplier or suppliers more appropriate to the requested service and placing the correct margin to obtain the quotation to be sent to the applicant. This quotation can include several options to give the applicant the opportunity to choose the option that best suits his expectations. All offers and their results are regularly recorded in order to be evaluated in the periodic analysis of sales trends and forecasts. These offers can be made available to the buyer in multiple forms: via web, via e-mail, via autoquote directly from the buyer. Once the offers are accepted by the Buyer, the offers themselves become the first event in shipment flow and will automatically generate the shipment that passes to the operations department for the next event in the flow.

In BeOne Freight Management, the operative department already finds the shipment created in the offer acceptance phase with all the relative costs and revenues. At this point the operative starts the verification of the shipment data and follows the planning already predetermined by the WorkFlow.

BeOne WorkFlow tracks all planned events and provides feedback with final data. All events can be made final by the user, or they can be automatically received from outside by the various suppliers involved in the shipment. Both planned and final events can in turn be automatically transmitted to third parties or consulted via web by the customer of the shipment.

Depending on the type of freight you can schedule pickups for shipments to be consolidated or request placement for FCL shipments. For shipments via warehouse, Nova Systems has developed in BeOne the integrated functionality of Cross Docking, which allows to direct and control every kind of activity inside the transit warehouse, through different types of Missions. The activities are carried out with special radiofrequency terminals. The use of internal and/or external parcel markers (generated by third parties) allows the control of each single parcel from the arrival, the location in the warehouse until the departure of the goods.

BeOne groupage management, allows the consolidation of shipments with a simple drag and drop of individual shipments within the loading list that will become the Master. At the end of the Master it will be possible to generate specific Cargo Manifests to be sent electronically or via e-mail to your agents.
Would you like to learn more about the TMS module for managing international shipments?

Air or maritime policies can thus be issued in both paper and digital format and transmitted electronically to the carrier via integration with specific providers such as INTTRA in the case of sea shipments or Cargo Start in the case of air shipments.

Within BeOne it is possible to manage customs procedures and send them electronically to your own customs operator and to receive from the same operator, always electronically, the customs bill that will be associated to the shipment within BeOne.

Beone also allows you to manage sea shipments and related information about the ports touched and their estimated and actual dates, while for air shipments Beone allows, through integration with international providers, to automatically receive the progress of the flight from the arrival of the goods at the airport until delivery at the airport of destination.

BeOne allows to generate invoices quickly, as the shipment already includes both the revenues to be invoiced and the costs agreed with suppliers, which will be calculated later. The active invoices can be immediate or summarizing and for each invoice will be issued the list of shipments with all related data including customs duties charges.

As part of management control, BeOne Business Intelligence allows a complete analysis of all activities related to shipping, suppliers used and any internal costs. Thanks to the BeOne Analytics module, it is possible to obtain a precise analysis of the economic, financial and traffic trend of the company.