BeOne Workflow, the new edge of business organisation
Nova Systems presents BeOne Workflow, the new edge of the business organisation. This feature helps to simplify the work of freight forwarders and warehouse operators because it enables to create, in a simple and intuitive way, working models and to handle the activities of the different players involved in this process. BeOne Workflow is customizable and perfectly adaptable to the workflow, in order to properly manage all the processes' events as well as to constantly track the shipment progress and all the related information.
Thanks to BeOne Workflow, in fact, the user chooses which data to share with the several players involved in the shipment. This is because the feature can be used to generate different events related to the shipment (including the Shipment entry, goods collected and more), which in turn, through integration with BeOne Activities Management, create and assign a series of operations to each actor or workgroup involved in the process. Relevant information is then provided and staff coordinated while carrying out the activity.
Thanks to BeOne Worflow you can:
• Automatically send a file related to the Freight Status Updates of the shipment;
• Automatically update the shipment with the status of the goods in the transit warehouse, by the integration with BeOne Cross Docking.
• Publish shipment information on the Collaboration Platform;
• Send documents via email;
• Send e-mail marketing and SMS messages through BeOne Communications Management
Discover all the benefitsHere are the benefits you'll gain from BeOne Workflow:
Increase efficiency: the automation of many processes allows the elimination of unnecessary steps;
Improve process control: Work methods are standardized, reducing errors and can be monitored through control systems;
Maintain flexibility: BeOne WorkFlow does not force the user to follow the process, but suggests and guides the user during its execution.

Freight Status Updates can be rolled out and customized, either independently or with the support of the Nova Systems Account Manager. The Freight Status Updates are published on the BeOne Collaborative Platform, so that the recipient has the information needed about the shipment easily at his disposal.
However, that's not all. You have a further option to interact with your customer. BeOne's Communications Management can send an email in HTML format or an SMS, containing the tracking link. Therefore, the customer is able to follow the progress of the shipment without entering the website of your company, but directly accessing to the shipment status by simply clicking that link.
Choose BeOne Workflow to make the leap in quality and better manage your time and resources.
We guarantee a reduction of errors and an increase in efficiency.
Welcome to the new era of collaborative digitalisation by BeOne.
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When you step out of your office, there's a world going on that accomplishes everything you have planned. A sense of protection and security: Since 1981, the sense of serenity transmitted by Nova Systems' solutions is the premise with which allows you to feel satisfied at any time of the day. Looking to the future with confidence and without worries. Choose BeOne.
• Project profiling
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• The CSM guides the company’s collaborators in discovering the BeOne solution full potential, to make the most out of every functionality
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