Environmental Sustainability | Nova Green to reduce energy consumption

The future of the planet is in our hands. We live in a time of great changes and we have the duty of thinking about future generations.
Digitization and environmental sustainability are topics that have definitely entered the vocabulary of companies in the world of logistics and transport.
Business competitiveness and respect for the environment are at the heart of a new way of thinking about transportation and infrastructure. Nova Systems is interpreting this point of view and the BeOne software has become a reference point for Green Logistics. The ERP is provided in Cloud and allows firms to reduce in a drastic way energy consumption and the utilization of hardware components.
Nova Systems has decided to take up the challenge of environmental sustainability.
In which way? Discover the NovaGreen project! Are you up to the challenge?

Nova Systems cares for environmental sustainability. The BeOne solution is a symbol of green economy and is provided in Cloud, giving customers the possibility to reduce energy consumption and the use of hardware components.
Our research and development center constantly analyzes the last technologies available on the market, looking for solutions which may enhance our clients’ energetic efficiency.
Cloud Computing, together with Open Data, Internet of Things and Internet of Everything are bringing great changes in the world of logistic operators and freight forwarders. An evolution which gives great attention towards the theme of environmental sustainability and green computing.
Nova Green, the environmental sustainability by Nova Systems

Nova Systems’s sustainable cloud, contrarily to on-promise solutions, contributes to CO2 reduction and allows a great reduction on energy consumption related to IT infrastructure utilization. Thanks to the Cloud data center management is simplified, with a reduction of hardware components that have to be installed and managed. Hardware, furthermore, has a short life time and must be disposed of when it is no longer up to date. It must always be kept in mind that for the disposal of hardware components specific procedures exist to safeguard the environment, trough appropriate facilities. Nova Systems’ data center, on the contrary, is designed to reduce energy wastage, using the best available sustainable technologies to power and cool the systems.

No more paper packages on desks. Through the Electronic Document Management, Nova Systems’ Cloud helps the environment by reducing the use of paper, contributing at the same time to the enhancement of production processes and to the reduction of costs.
The paperless principle, furthermore, overcomes geographical borders: an office without paper allows the staff to immediate access the documentation, wherever they may be, with a great enhancement of data security.

Nova Systems has introduced the FTL module, with some new features that will be released soon. Thanks to BeOne it will be possible to calculate the emissions produced by the vehicle engaged in a given route, based on its weight and the slope of the different road sections. The data is provided through detailed reports, which enable the customer to meet future emissions regulations.
Thanks to the FTL module, the user has a ready view of the position of each single vehicle so as to be able to reduce empty kilometers travelled as much as possible. Moreover, the cartography helps to identify the best route in terms of time and kilometers to be covered.

The core of Nova Systems is powered by a photovoltaic system. The server farm is the centerpiece of our business and operates 24/7, 365 days a year to ensure connections with the entire world. The goal is to make it energy independent.

We now live in a time of great changes and we have the duty to think about our next generations. Nova Systems felt a strong responsibility to contribute to environmental sustainability not only through the benefits of the BeOne Cloud, but also through a new project, called "Green City", which involves the place where Nova Systems has its headquarter.
For each new contract signed, the IT company will donate a tree to the City Hall, which will plant it in green areas, inside schools or in other spaces that need to be populated. A concrete commitment between Nova Systems and the customer in giving a real contribution to an important cause.