Cloud software | Shipping, transport, customs and logistics management with BeOne Be One

the in-Cloud solution in your hands. Guaranteed, always up-to-date and with total assistance.

Nova Systems’ Cloud Services are the new frontier of innovation for logistics, customs and transportation companies. Nova Systems’ solution is BeOne, the cloud management software distributed and created specifically for the sector: a continuously updated Enterprise Resource Planning programme that was developed to ensure the utmost security, the software services of which are guaranteed in terms of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, with total assistance available to the Client.

Read the article: Nova Systems, innovators by vocation
Discover what is the Cloud

The Advantages of Cloud Management

discover and compare what you can obtain with Cloud computing
as it relates to the in-house installation.

Download the Cloud advantages document

More Economical

The Cloud Services allows you to notably reduce the initial costs related to the purchase of the infrastructures: specific hardware and software, as well as the costs of installation and maintenance and operating systems, and software will no longer be a problem.


A few days are enough to become operational. All one needs to do is install the software and enable the users, and one can start to utilize the solution. The updates are released automatically without any interruption.


The Cloud software guarantees (for companies of any size) all the services at the highest levels, with a cost in line with their economic needs. The services and applications are adaptable and scalable from a few units to thousands of users.


Pay per use

Everything is included in a monthly subscription, without surprises. Because of the ‘pay per use’ mode. There is increased flexibility, with the possibility of an easy and immediate adjustment to the dimensions of your company.

IT Resources

The cloud management of structural information is assigned to the provider. Therefore the IT department is finally used to its potential and the IT manager will finally be able to concentrate on the projects designed to help the development of your company’s core business.


Utilizing the Cloud services means having the possibility to work anywhere in the world, having at your disposal technical assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It is enough to log on, activate and start.

The Nova Systems’ guarantee

Nova Systems’ number one priority is the reliability of its software services. To ensure our clients have the best data security guarantees, the company is in the process of obtaining the ISO/IEC 27001 “Information security management” certificate, one of the first to do so in the Italian IT sector for logistics, transport, international shipping and customs.

Read the article on ISO/IEC27001 certification

Continuously updated software

Nova Systems is a company with innovation in its DNA. Our Research & Development centre is constantly engaged in identifying avant-garde technological solutions: Clients can request personalisation and implementation of the software, made available via the Cloud through new releases and patches as required, thereby ensuring the constant evolution of the BeOne application.

Read the article on innovation

Business Continuity

Nova Systems is further refining its data security systems, stipulating an agreement with organisations that specialise in Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery and adopting high security technologies and processes that ensure business continuity in the case of severely damaging events. The Disaster Recovery solutions are the latest generation in computer security, a truly strategic process that enables our clients to receive an immediate response to any event that leads to the interruption of the business activity.

Guaranteed Business Continuity, discover how

Non-stop assistance

Nova Systems’ assistance is total, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (*requires the appropriate “Gold Assistance”). A help desk is available for infrastructure and networking matters with multilingual operators and highly qualified personnel. Just open a Ticket in the Reserved Area or directly from the dedicated page. Assistance with applications, moreover, is supervised by Project leaders and Account managers.

Visit the specific assistance area

The Cloud, Innovation at the Service of Companies

The companies in the industry of international shipping, transportation, customs and logistics who have an innovative vision regarding technology find in Cloud Computing the answer to their needs.

Reducing costs and increasing business is possible, thanks to the solution Cloud BeOne from Nova Systems. The Cloud is among the most sought after technologies of companies within the 4.0 Industry, a very real industrial revolution which is producing notable changes in the world of international shipping, transportation, customs and logistics.

Nova Systems is ahead of the times, understanding the first signals coming from the 4.0 Industry, and giving them implementation via the BeOne solution software, created specifically for the sector.

In a market in constant evolution, the Cloud provides a significant competitive advantage to companies, thanks to an increased flexibility and reduction of costs. BeOne is the scalable solution, independent of the size of the client company, which is able to function no matter its location in the world, for a complete and proper computerization of all business sectors. The full management of information technology is assigned to Nova Systems, which guarantees a protected data center and maximum data security, with dedicated storage, constantly protected and monitored.

Discover the advantages of the Cloud

If you watch the video, you will discover all the advantages of Cloud Computing in terms of the security of your company and the saving in time and money that will enable you to invest in the company's Core Business.

Watch the Video

The BeOne software Platform

BeOne’s Software Platform is based on Client Service architecture, the Client part of which is in the Microsoft Windows environment while the Server part can he hosted by the most modern DBMS systems (Data Base Management Systems), including: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM...

Read all the technical specifications

Private Networking

Nova Systems provides dedicated internet lines for its clients, thereby making connectivity and reaching the services (MPLS, or Multi Protocol Label Switching, Line) more reliable and secure.

Proxy Server

Nova Systems ensures the information filtering system, guaranteeing secure internet navigation and a policy of using the tool that prevents undesirable pages accessing the network.

Internet Domain

Nova Systems takes good care of the client, guaranteeing the maintenance and accessibility of the services advertised on the internet, including the site, emailing and any other dedicated service.

The security of the data is guaranteed

Nova Systems is stipulating an agreement with organisations that specialise in Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery and by becoming one of the first IT companies in Italy to obtain ISO/IEC 27001 certification for the “Management of information security”.

Read the article

Cloud Services and Software Platform:

Technical Specifications

Read the technical specifications for Cloud security and our software platform.

Business Continuity



Server farm located in an anti-seismic building with floating floor and REI 120 fire-resistant walls.


Anti-intrusion monitored 24 hours both from local and remote through volumetric sensors and anti-theft locks with automatic activation by magnetic sensors. Environmental movement detectors which provide risk evaluation in real time. Server farm accesses controlled by digital print and constantly updated register of users. Registration access processes for every operation in the server farm. Inner video surveillance realized with entirely digital and supervised technologies.


Fire-fighting inert gas system with no harm to people or things. Electronic system with analogic smoke point detectors. Electronic system of optic/acoustic alarm in the hallways of offices and operative zones. Alarm system with remote warning of the state of the plant in real time.

Uninterruptible power supply

The electric plant fulfills all redundancy, flexibility, mainenance, security and managing criteria. Dimensionato di potenza with redundant devices in order to guarantee continuity and stabilty in the supply of electric energy. Electrical power infrastructure based on electrical power double units (normal and emergency) separated and connected to a continuity devices system (ups) with an autonomy of at least 60 minutes. The energy station predisposed for the electrical power (weekly monitored) consists of a generator capable of powering the entire plant for at least 24 hours.


Daily back-ups automatically set; the magnetic support containing all the information is stored in a fireproof safe. The weekly back-ups' magnetic supports are stored in an important bank vault.

Private Networking


Dedicated internet line MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching)

Nova Systems provides dedicated internet lines for its clients, thereby making connectivity and reaching the services (MPLS, or Multi Protocol Label Switching, Line) more reliable and secure.

Proxy Service


Control over information

The Proxy Server is designed to filter the content and enable the administrative control of the information in one or both directions of the traffic from the Internet.

Internet Domain



This is a service that includes the registration and maintenance of the Domain and DNR (Domain Name System) Records and any Web Hosting.

Software Platform


Software quality



BeOne behaves exactly upon specifications in the user's manuals. The software correctness is a quality Nova Systems considers absolute, nevertheless it's hardly measurable. Nova Systems believes the "client satisfaction" is the best indicator of the correctness of the product.



The less malfunctionings present the more reliable the system is. BeOne is considered highly reliable by the users. The reliability is strictly connected to the correctness thanks to the updating system "patch" by internet, through which it's possible to correct the possible malfunctionings both by the Nova Systems maintenance division and the users.


BeOne is considered a robust system because it behaves in a logic way when it faces unpredictable situations uncontemplated by the specifications. The robustness certainly implies considerations about damaging effects that the system or the user suffers if the system reacts in an illogical way in front of unpredictable situations.


BeOne is an efficient system with high performances, it uses memory, cpu and every needed resource proportionally to the services it provides, with no wastefulness.


BeOne is easy to use, nevertheless this is a subjective quality, it depends on the context and experience of the user. The interface was carefully created for the user in order to achieve an intuitive application. Also in tis case it's the client who has to evaluate this characteristic.


BeOne is an eco-friendly system, its design is concerned about the impact on the environment.


BeOne is scalable, it can be adjusted to many different contexts and still not needing a redesign.


The system can be classified as verifiable if the correctness an reliability are. BeOne has been realized with modular design techniques, suitable programming languages and monitor software in order to facilitate the check.


It's possible to amend BeOne. The system maintenances are:

- corrective. It eliminates possible mistakes at the moment of the release of the product and those which were produced by former maintenance interventions.

- adjusting. It allows modifications after environmental changes, hardware changes, operation changes, etc.

- finishing. It improves the qualities of the software to introduce new functions and enhance the existent.

The possibility of maintenance has two more functions:

- repairability. It indicates what allows to eliminate defects.

- progressing. It indicates what allows the improvement of new requisites.


BeOne is portable, and because of it the system can work in different environments.

for IBM i Power Systems Client-Server Applications



Windows C++ 32 bit Client Applications run on Windows XP or later


IBM i (formerly known as i5/OS®) running on IBM Power Systems™ servers


DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for IBM i Power Systems is an advanced, 64-bit Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). The Database access is made by RPGIV Server Functions.


Client applications connect to the BeOne dispatcher using RPC (remote procedure calls). To communicate to the IBM i Power Systems, BeOne uses sockets APIs over the TCP/IP protocol.

for Windows Microsoft BackOffice Applications



Windows C++ 32 bit Client Applications run on Windows XP or later


Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or later


Microsoft SQL Server via the Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Oracle DataBase via the Oracle Call Interface (OCI). The Database access is made by C++ Functions.


Client applications connect to the BeOne dispatcher using the Microsoft RPC protocol, which can be layered over a variety of different network protocols, including named pipes (which themselves run either over NetBEUI or TCP/IP-NetBios), over TCP/IP directly, or even over the HTTP protocol, using Microsoft IIS as a gateway.

for Java Applications



Java clients (applications or applets)


• Server Machine running a Java Virtual Machine, using Java Functions.

• IBM i Power Systems using native RPGIV Functions.


Data access through Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) for the following DBMS:
DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for IBM i Power Systems

DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for Windows
Microsoft SQL Server.
Oracle DataBase
The Database access is made by Java Functions.
DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for iSeries Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).The Database access is made by RPGIV Server Functions.

for Open Database



BeOne for Open Database deployed as Windows applications accessing distributed data using the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface.


Windows C++ 32 bit Client Applications run on Windows XP or later


Machine using one of the following DBMS:


  • DB2 Universal Database (UDB)
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle DataBase
  • Sybase SQL Anywhere*
  • Microsoft Access*
  • MS FoxPro*


SQL is used for data access from C++ programs.

* For the limitation due to these DBMS, only a small part of BeOne can be available.

The Steps to Arrive at Go Live

When you step out of your office, there's a world going on that accomplishes everything you have planned. A sense of protection and security: Since 1981, the sense of serenity transmitted by Nova Systems' solutions is the premise with which allows you to feel satisfied at any time of the day. Looking to the future with confidence and without worries. Choose BeOne.



• Project profiling

• Demo & Analysis Specificities

• Individual meetings

• Project presentation

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• BeOne contract

• Start up activity confirmation

• Contract signature

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• KickOff with Key Users

• Cloud Environment creation and software parameterisation

• Data Migration

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• Individual or group training

• Training through the NovAcademy Business Unit 

• Support in the use of company funds

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• Physical presence of Product Account Managers at customer locations/branches

• A Team is in the Nova Systems office to support the company 

• The customer uses BeOne to manage the entire operational flow 

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• Application and Cloud Help Desk Support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

• Individual technical consulting and project analysis

• Release with new features and new products 

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• After the Go-Live, between Nova Systems and the client, a relationship focused on the company’s growth begins

• The Customer Success Manager becomes a trusted partner, with a proactive approach towards the company

• The CSM guides the company’s collaborators in discovering the BeOne solution full potential, to make the most out of every functionality

Read more about Customer Success

Discover the total integration of BeOne

Click on the images to know into detail the specifications of each BeOne’s Suite module. The different applications refer to only one database, where they work in synchronization to recall data, their elaboration and archiving, avoiding duplication of information and misalignments. The BeOne solution is completely integrated with the activities demanded of shipping agents and logistics operators, ensuring the flexibility that sector operators require.

Click on the list below and discover the integration among the modules

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Nova Systems S.r.l.  |  |   T +39 045 878 8211  |   Cap. Soc. € 83.301,40 i.v.  |   C.C.I.A.A. VR N. 251355  |   Trib. Reg. Soc. N. 40176  |   Codice SDI: 1YY4LRX  |   P.IVA 02639010236 37036 Viale del lavoro 39/a San Martino B.A. (VR)