LTL road transports | Less than Truck Load Groupage software BeOne Be One

LTL road transports | Less than Truck Load land management software BeOne

Are you looking for a complete and efficient LTL software to manage land groupage cargo transportation? Nova Systems has the solution for you.

immagine campagna tms aereo


Being reliable, swift and solid.

The secret is the land Groupage cargo transportation of BeOne, the LTL software solution from Nova Systems which manages the logistic chain of Less than Truck Load transport, with dedicated services to oversee Import, Export and National groupage shipments.

Every day international forwarding companies face the challenge of competitiveness. Nova Systems provides sector operators with a powerful LTL software solution developed to make their job easier and more efficient. But that’s not all. The strong point of the Overland Groupage TMS developed by Nova Systems is the integration with all other BeOne modules. A unique experience, which is bound to enhance your working method.

Do you want to see it with your own eyes?

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Land management software |
LTL road transports

The Land management software of BeOne is the software solution dedicated to groupage transport, which allows the forwarder to easily consolidate various LTL shipments requested by different consignors and to send them to one more consignees.
Combining various freights on a single vehicle, the forwarder can reduce costs , even when sending a small quantity of goods, and can personalize the delivery.
BeOne can manage the Import, Export and National Groupage services. The LTL module is the ideal solution for your needs because it empowers you to easily and precisely manage all phases of the shipping:

  • Collection of goods from one or more senders ;
  • Consolidation of the cargo ;
  • transport (both primary,from your terminal to your corresponding agent’s company terminal, and secondary: among different hubs;
  • deconsolidation at the final terminal
  • distribution and delivery

The same procedure applies, reverted, in Import shipping.

Groupage transport operativity also contemplates various warehouse operations, among which transport warehouses (where the goods sit for a certain amount of time before being forwarded) and cross docking operations(direct redirecting of incoming goods to the shipping gate) through parcel labels scanners

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Workflow of a shipment managed with BeOne's TMS

See the workflow

The advantages of BeOne's Oveland Groupage TMS:

Simplify operations with the Cross Docking

The job of an LTL operative is connected to the management of transit warehouses (Cross Docking). Thanks to the cross docking a minor surface of the deposit is required and stocking operations are no longer needed, optimizing delivery times for your customers.

Increase operations efficiency thanks to the EDI

Thanks to theEletronic Data Interchange (EDI) you can reduce the use of paper and contain management costs. This allows you to free human resources, who can therefore concentrate on other operations. The EDI service is guaranteed by Nova Systems, which offers a specialized support.

Analytical Accounting of the Shipments

BeOne allows you to calculate the costs and revenues of the shipments, giving the management much needed instruments to optimize company processes and to evaluate the use of resources related with actual and future operations.

Verify Data Quality

Constantly verify the data quality of the customers database and their addresses in terms of coherence and accuracy. The quality of the information has direct consequences on your business since it allows you to take the right decisions.

Trace operations with radiofrequency

Nova Systems brings you the best technologies available on the market. Our radiofrequency terminals are connected to BeOne to allows warehouse operators to trace every operation. You will therefore be able to reduce mistakes by monitoring the whole process.

Optimize processes workflow

With BeOne you can create a workflow management system. It’s a strategic instrument which allows you to automatize processes and enhance the efficiency of every activity, eliminating unnecessary passages. You can therefore contain operative expenses and easily answer to every critical issue.

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Discover all the functionalities of the Overland Groupage TMS of BeOne

ltl road transports


Thanks to the functionalities of the Overland Groupage module you can manage all shipments (arriving, departing and the collection of goods), with the possibility of managing each partial shipment before their grouping.

groupage cargo transportation


this functionality allows you to manage Lists of goods on departure, on arrival and notices of arrival allowing furthermore to receive documents and data through EDI (Eletronic Data Interchange). The same functionality of the Groupage TMS allows you to manage picking lists, collection/delivery lists and delivery lists. You can also add shipments on a list through Drag&Drop or parcel labels scanning. The List Management functionality also concerns Outcome retrieval and the management of Departure Lists, for deliveries through corresponding agents or transfers to another branch.

ltl software


This part of the BeOne module is related to production and management of the parcel labels of the shipment. Parcel labels can be produced directly from the module or can be acquired from the sender or from the corresponding agent with their own numbers.

land management software


The module enables the management of Events related to the shipment, which may be easily filled with amounts taken from the invoicing or from the presumptive costs;

less than truck load


This functionality of the TMS module of BeOne is integrated with the CRM module, allowing the linking of each operation to personalized spot offers, revenue tariffs and detailed standard tariffs


The costs functionality of the Groupage TMS is integrated with the CRM module allowing to link operations with costs tariffs personalized for each supplier, and to estimate the costs of the whole transport or of the single shipment.


This functionality contemplates the printing of documents related to the shipment and to departure lists in every format, allowing the automatic sending of messages to your corresponding agent.
Thanks to the Overland Groupage TMS module of BeOne you can obtain and print the following documentation:

  • Picking note
  • Delivery note
  • Waybill
  • Waybill with immediate billing
  • Arrival List
  • Picking list, Picking/Delivery, Delivery
  • Departure List
  • Furthermore, the Overland Groupage TMS module is integrated with the following modules of BeOne:

    Picking and delivery 

    In the picking management module, where the operative fills the request for the picking of the goods, the organizer of the transport can oversee all the pickings that have jet to be realized, those already completed and the deliveries to be done.

    Customs Management 

    The integration between the Overland Groupage TMS and the Customs module allows the creation of customs declarations and transit customs declarations.

    Pallets Management 

    This integration allows the registration of all loading and unloading movements of pallets among the agents of the transport, to always keep an up to date accountancy of the pallets to be requested or to be returned. All of this in real time.

    Lien Management  

    Thanks to this integration it is possible to manage delivery liens (cash on delivery) at the moment of the delivery of transported goods.


    This integration guarantees the possibility of connecting spot offers to the dossier, therefore filling up automatically the costs and the revenues. If the customer is connected to a tariff, costs and revenues are automatically filled within the dossier.


    Once the Cargo Manifest has been generated, it can be sent to the corresponding agent through EDI (Eletronic Data Interchange). The file will be archived for future consultation in the eventuality of discrepancies. The reception of incoming goods from the correspondent is analogous.

    Cross Docking  

    In outgoing export there is the possibility to check that all parcel labels have been connected to the correct shipment. When unloading, parcel labels are read through radiofrequency terminals to check the congruency of the shipment.

    BeOne Analytics 

    BeOne Analytics creates dashboards to monitor and analyze the quantity of transported goods and sales volume for each client. The business intelligence is a strategic instrument for many roles, from supervisors to branch director, all the way to the company management, which can, thanks to the BI, swiftly take determinant choices for the future of the company. Through the BI they can furthermore monitor the performance and weak spots of each department.


    The integration between Groupage TMS and credit lines management allows the operator to be immediately alerted if each client’s credit line has been crossed.

    Web Tracking 

    Thanks to the integration with Web Tracking and Tracing, your clients can autonomously trace every single shipment, its status and the PODs. All of this through a web portal which can be posted on the website of the forwarding company. In this way, you client will be able to check the status of the shipment in a completely autonomous way.

    TMS Groupage Module:
    Technical Features

    Read the technical features of the Overland Groupage module of our software solution:

    Export Overland Groupage


    Administration of freights

    It’s possible to administrate shipment at the option of administrate preliminary files by grouping and triangulation

    Proceedings/standard rates managing

    CRM module integration to pay off files with specific proceedings rates for client at the option of applying articulated standard rates

    Price/standard rates managing

    CRM module integration to pay off files with specific price rates for supplier at the option of applying articulated standard rates

    Spot offers administration

    CRM module integration to pay off spot offers shipment for proceeding and price part

    Administration of cargo manifests

    Administration of cargo lists according to destination line

    Cargo manifests printing

    Cargo lists can be printed in any format. Messages and even electronic pouch can be sent automatically to correspondents


    Production of barcode labels integrated with warehouse control in RF

    Transmission of EDI messages

    Transmission of messages related to cargo lists according to different standard (Edifact, Fortras, Xml,etc.) to correspondents

    Administration of social accounts

    Transmission of messages related to cargo lists according to different standard (Edifact, Fortras, Xml,etc.) to correspondents

    Files electronic storage integrated

    Native integration of Files electronic storage at the option of sending electronic pouch

    BI analytics integration

    Native integration of available dashboards or tools for creation of any Business Intelligence report

    Activity agenda IM and chat integration

    It is possible to generate your own activities or assign activities to someone or to a work group. The activities can be connected to any application object.

    Import Overland Groupage


    Administration of incoming lists

    Administration of incoming lists and preliminary alerts arriving from correspondents

    Administration of freights

    Administration of import shipments

    Proceedings/standard rates managing

    CRM module integration to pay off files with specific proceedings rates for client at the option of applying articulated standard rates and Iata rates

    Price/standard rates managing

    CRM module integration to pay off files with specific price rates for supplier at the option of applying articulated standard rates

    Spot offers administration

    CRM module integration to pay off spot offers shipment for proceeding and price part

    Advance payments administration

    Integrated cross application for requests and administration of advance payments funds and related accounting links


    Production of barcode labels integrated with warehouse control in RF

    Administration of delivery lists

    Integrated cross applications for picking and delivery

    Administration of social accounts

    Administration of social accounts with foreigner partners

    Files electronic storage integrated

    Native integration of Files electronic storage at the option of receiving electronic pouch

    BI analytics integration

    Native integration of available dashboards or tools for creation of any Business Intelligence report

    Activity agenda IM and chat integration

    It is possible to generate your own activities or assign activities to someone or to a work group. The activities can be connected to any application object

    Domestic Overland Groupage


    Administration of incoming lists

    Administration of incoming lists and preliminary alerts arriving from correspondents

    Administration of freights

    It’s possible to administrate shipments at the option of administrate preliminary files according to grouping

    Proceedings/standard rates managing

    CRM module integration to pay off files with specific proceedings rates for client at the option of applying articulated standard rates

    Price/standard rates managing

    CRM module integration to pay off files with specific price rates for supplier at the option of applying articulated standard rates

    Spot offers administration

    CRM module integration to pay off spot offers shipment for proceeding and price part


    Production of barcode labels integrated with warehouse control in RF

    Administration of outgoing lists

    Administration of outgoing lists by destination line

    Outgoing lists printing

    Outgoing lists can be printed in any format. Messages and even electronic pouch can be sent automatically to correspondents

    Administration of delivery lists

    Integrated cross applications for picking and delivery

    Files electronic storage integrated

    Native integration of Files electronic storage at the option of sending electronic pouch

    BI analytics integration

    Native integration of available dashboards or tools for creation of any Business Intelligence report

    Activity agenda IM and chat integration

    It is possible to generate your own activities or assign activities to someone or to a work group. The activities can be connected to any application object

    The Steps to Arrive at Go Live

    When you step out of your office, there's a world going on that accomplishes everything you have planned. A sense of protection and security: Since 1981, the sense of serenity transmitted by Nova Systems' solutions is the premise with which allows you to feel satisfied at any time of the day. Looking to the future with confidence and without worries. Choose BeOne.



    • Project profiling

    • Demo & Analysis Specificities

    • Individual meetings

    • Project presentation

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    • BeOne contract

    • Start up activity confirmation

    • Contract signature

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    • KickOff with Key Users

    • Cloud Environment creation and software parameterisation

    • Data Migration

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    • Individual or group training

    • Training through the NovAcademy Business Unit 

    • Support in the use of company funds

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    GO- LIVE

    • Physical presence of Product Account Managers at customer locations/branches

    • A Team is in the Nova Systems office to support the company 

    • The customer uses BeOne to manage the entire operational flow 

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    • Application and Cloud Help Desk Support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

    • Individual technical consulting and project analysis

    • Release with new features and new products 

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    • After the Go-Live, between Nova Systems and the client, a relationship focused on the company’s growth begins

    • The Customer Success Manager becomes a trusted partner, with a proactive approach towards the company

    • The CSM guides the company’s collaborators in discovering the BeOne solution full potential, to make the most out of every functionality

    Read more about Customer Success

    Discover the total integration of BeOne

    Click on the images to know into detail the specifications of each BeOne’s Suite module. The different applications refer to only one database, where they work in synchronization to recall data, their elaboration and archiving, avoiding duplication of information and misalignments. The BeOne solution is completely integrated with the activities demanded of shipping agents and logistics operators, ensuring the flexibility that sector operators require.

    Click on the list below and discover the integration among the modules

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