Logiciel comptabilité générale | Gestion comptable et de flux de trésorerie Be One
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Nova Systems has designed a BeOne's module entirely conceived for administrative, financial and accounting offices which operate in the field of international freight forwarding, customs, transportation and logistics. The General Accounting module allows to manage the fiscal policy part in line the Country's regulations of where it is installed.

There's more. The digitalisation of business processes make them simpler, safer and more innovative and reduces paper consumption and document storage costs. These are the main advantages of BeOne e-invoice, created by Nova Systems in order to manage B2B electronic invoicing.
The Accounting module is also integrated with the Customs Agency for the Intrastat service (declaring to the National Board those services which are executed both incoming and outgoing within the European Union) and with Internal Revenue Service by submitting periodic declarations required by the current regulations, including Esterometro (Communication of the cross-border transactions), LIPE (periodical VAT returns), the VAT tax calculation which the company has to compensate every trimester.


The software enables to manage Italian, Spanish and Maltese fiscal policy in relation to the specific Country Tax Regulations.

The module has been designed by Nova Systems' R&D Department supporting customers' administrative, finance and accounting offices. General Accounting can adapt to any size of the company, for those that are structured with first-level Head of Administration, Finance and Accounting as for those which can only rely on a single management figure who handles every phase of the accounting process.

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General Accounting is integrated with the other operational modules of BeOne in order to facilitate the user's activity. Thanks to the utilisation of a single database, the user is able to manage directly financial commitments retrieving the data of the operative section, of customs, bank and accounting commitments.

Through BeOne’s operational modules it is possible to manage financial commitments, importing costs, presumed incomes and requests for advance payments. With the Customs module you can acquire also future deadlines, VAT and duties. Meanwhile, bank commitments can vary substantially (secured loans, subsidies and possible future charges) while the Accounting module displays customers collections, supplier payments, other recorded debts and bill of exchange portfolios.

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FISCAL MANAGEMENT, with LIPE (periodical VAT returns) management, esterometro (communications of the cross-border transactions), printing tax and annual financial results, adjusting entries management.

CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT, with the bill of exchange portfolios feature, submission of invoices, reminders to customers, customers' loans management and clients checks management.

Among other integrated features, in the software by Nova Systems you can find a connection with home banking: importing bank statements allows to import files with all of the bank records based on the tracking standard required by Corporate Banking Interbancario (CBI) – an Italian remote banking service

SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT, with the automatic supplier payments and the sending of cash flows in the home banking features.

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Thanks to BeOne’s Cash Flow module it is possible to manage financial commitments directly within the PMS. It allows to see the company’s financial inputs and outputs day by day. Until today, business operators have been monitoring financial ledger entries through Excel spreadsheets. Now, with this new integrated feature in BeOne, it is possible to track these entries and plan business management in the best possible way, anticipating potential difficulties due to lack of liquidity.

Cash flow reports, within a precise period of analysis, past and future liquidity debts and credits as a result of the managing of a company. The features are integrated with Accounting, Management Control and Customs. All of the procedures are automatically updated by the software. Presently, data accuracy is more secure due to the fact that human error is eliminated through this process.

Moreover, the analysis of flows resulting from single business activities is essential. In this way it is possible to understand which are the causes that determine variations in cash at the company level and to identify eventual actions to be taken with the aspiration of achieving financial goals.

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Accounting Module:
Technical specifications

Read the technical specifications about the accounting module in our Software platform or contact us for any information.



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BeOne e-invoice


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• Présence sur place des Account Managers du produit chez les clients et dans les succursales

• Une équipe est présente dans le bureau de Nova Systems pour aider l'entreprise

• Le client utilise BeOne pour gérer l'ensemble du flux opérationnel

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• Assistance Help Desk Applicatif et Cloud 24 heures sur 24, 365 jours par an

• Conseil technique individuel et analyse du projet

• Mises à jour avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités et de nouveaux produits

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• Après le Go-Live, un rapport axé sur la croissance de l’entreprise commence entre Nova Systems et le client

• Le Customer Success Manager devient un interlocuteur fidèle, avec une approche proactive vers l’entreprise

• Le CSM amène les collaborateurs de l’entreprise à découvrir le potentiel de la solution BeOne, pour tirer le meilleur parti de toutes les fonctionnalités

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Découvrez l'intégration totale de BeOne

Cliquez sur les images pour connaître plus en détail les caractéristiques des modules qui composent la Suite de BeOne. Les différentes applications se réfèrent à l’unique base de données, sur laquelle elles opèrent de façon synchronisée pour le rappel des données, leur élaboration et archivage, sans duplications et asymétries des informations. La solution BeOne est totalement intégrée aux activités requises aux expéditionnaires et aux opérateurs logistiques, en garantissant la flexibilité dont ont besoin les opérateurs du secteur.

Cliquez sur la liste ci-dessous et découvrez l’intégration parmi les modules

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Nova Systems S.r.l.  |   info@novasystems.it  |   T +39 045 878 8211  |   Cap. Soc. € 83.301,40 i.v.  |   C.C.I.A.A. VR N. 251355  |   Trib. Reg. Soc. N. 40176  |   Codice SDI: 1YY4LRX  |   P.IVA 02639010236 37036 Viale del lavoro 39/a San Martino B.A. (VR)